Common Name: Louisiana Milk Snake and Scarlet king snake Scientific Name: Lampropeltis triangulum Identification: 14-35 inches; Both have a pattern of black, red and white or yellow rings that encircle the body; the snout may be black or red; scales smooth. Habit: These snakes favor forested areas, including swamps, and they remain hidden under and within rotting logs and stumps. Distribution: Wooded and forested areas of Louisiana but remain in low areas west of the Mississippi River. Comments: These non-venomous snakes are often confused with the coral snake and are known as coral snake mimics. The rhyme "Red on black is a friend of Jack; red on yellow can kill a fellow" is a good way to identify which snake is venomous based on the ring pattern. The Milk snakes' name comes from the old wives' tale that Milk snakes found in the barn were "milking" the cow. Milk snakes do eat mice and probably were in search of their prey when found in the barn. In Louisiana they primarily feed on lizards.